Sunday, September 29, 2013

What will Lil' Clark look like?

I find myself thinking about what our Lil' Clark will look like....(of course no matter what he/she will be the cutest kid EVER!)  A good time back I actually went to one of those morphing websites and downloaded Mark and I's pictures and it is suppose to morph the two to form a picture of a child.

Here is picture #1: (girl)

And picture #2: (boy)

Only time will tell...until then I'll keep brewing! 


  1. I think it's going to be a boy. I will say that I am wrong about these things more often than not.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Big feet make me think boy. But I'm usually wrong. So I vote... girl!

  4. I say cute. Oh you want boy or girl...hahaha I think girl.
